Residential Applications

What Can Fortress Deep Seal and Shield Top Seal Do For You? 

All of this and more!

  • Easily & Inexpensively Waterproof Your Concrete Basement
  • Permanently Protect Your Driveway From Freeze/Thaw Damage
  • Make Snow & Ice Removal Easier Without Damaging Your Concrete
  • Seal Your Patio or Pool Deck
  • Easily Extend The Life of Your Cedar Shake, Cedar Siding, or Wood Shingle Roof
  • Protect Your Wood Fence or Deck with a One-time Application
  • Increase The Life Of Your Stucco or Paint Up To 300%
  • Make Your Dog Kennel Easier To Clean
  • Stop Efflorescence 

Keep reading for more information. 

Easily & Inexpensively Waterproof Your Concrete Basement

Fortress Deep Seal is non-toxic and odorless.

Other products on the market for basement waterproofing not only stink, but some are flammable, require extreme ventilation and have very high VOCs.

Feel safe using Fortress Deep Seal. You can save $1000s by using Fortress Deep Seal to waterproof your basement. Not only is this method inexpensive, but it is also easy to apply.

Concrete actually wicks moisture from as deep as 20' below the surface. This means that there is almost always moisture in concrete. 

Permanently Protect Your Driveway From Freeze/Thaw Damage

Salt and ice removers will destroy your concrete.

The most common winter damage to concrete driveways is scaling, which is caused by cycles of freezing and thawing due to above-freezing temperatures during the day and below-freezing temperatures during the night. Any moisture in the concrete expands and contracts causing structural damage to the concrete. The solution is to keep the moisture out.

What contributes to scaling? Salt and ice removers cause snow and ice to melt and refreeze over and over allowing further damage to concrete.

Water is absorbed into the very fine capillary spaces and hairline cracks in concrete, almost like a sponge. When water freezes, it expands by 9%. This expansion will cause small flakes of mortar and concrete to come loose from the surface.

There are many factors that will affect how resistant your concrete is to deterioration. For example, the quality of the craftsmanship, weather conditions when it was poured, quality of the concrete itself, and the water content of the mix. Regardless of these factors, treating the concrete with Fortress Deep Seal will dramatically reduce the effects of the freeze/thaw cycle by internally waterproofing the concrete.

Does Fortress Deep Seal Really Help? 

Yes, this is why the manufacturers of deicers recommend not using their products on concrete that is less than two years old and to wash off any excess deicer left on the concrete after the snow and ice have melted. (It is usually in the small print at the bottom of the bag.)

Many surfaces can not withstand the stress associated with the cycles of freezing and thawing that are accelerated with ice melter use. 

Ammonium-based ice-melting products like ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate are actually fertilizers. They are not recommended for use as ice melters, as they have been found to chemically attack and damage concrete.

Make Snow & Ice Removal Easier Without Damaging Your Concrete

Snow and ice removal seems like an ongoing battle throughout the winter. Have you ever noticed how it's always easier to shovel your driveway as soon as the snow has fallen? This is true because the longer it sits on the concrete the stronger the bond it makes with the moisture inside the concrete.

Fortress Deep Seal makes snow and ice easier to remove. It does this by setting up a waterproof barrier inside the concrete. By keeping moisture out of the concrete, the snow and ice just lie on the surface and can be removed much easier. For best results use Fortress Deep Seal to internally seal the concrete and then seal the surface with Shield Top Seal.

Driveways and Sidewalks Can Be Protected

Fortress Deep Seal and Shield Top Seal prevent spalling, scaling and hairline cracking by reducing the effects of the freeze/thaw cycle.

Seal Your Patio or Pool Deck

Your pool is your oasis. Enjoy the days by the pool soaking up the rays. And rest easy knowing you took a little bit of your time to protect your patio and pool deck. The last thing you want is broken or cracked concrete around your pool. Take the step to protect it now with Fortress Deep Seal and Shield Top Seal. 

Easily Extend The Life of Your Cedar Shake, Cedar Siding, or Wood Shingle Roof

Roofs are probably the hardest part of your home to protect. They are exposed to direct sunlight, rain and snow, day after day after day. Exposed exterior wood really takes a beating from the elements. Most retail products at the local hardware store will need to be reapplied annually. If you want to extend the life of your wood with a one-time treatment PetraWood is the answer.

Protect Your Wood Fence or Deck with a One-time Application

The price of lumber has gone up 400% in the last four years. A new deck costs on average between $25,000-$45,000. That's a lot of money. Protect your investment and protect that wood with a one-time application of PetraWood. There's no need to reapply and reapply every few years like other products. Apply PetraWood once and protect your wood for a lifetime. Click here to find out more about PetraWood.

Increase The Life Of Your Stucco or Paint Up To 300%

Why do paints blister and crack on masonry surfaces?

They blister and crack because of saponification and moisture.

What is saponification?

When soap is manufactured, the basic ingredients are forms of alkali and oil. The combination of the alkali in the masonry and the oil in the paint causes the saponification, which is the white soapy film which appears on the walls and floors. This also causes flaking, blistering, bleeding and burning off the paint on the surface. Vinyl, rubber or latex based paints also peel and crack off masonry surfaces. The prime reason for this is still the alkali and lime fighting the paints.

Fortress Deep Seal helps extend the life of the paint up to 300%. The reason is: once Fortress Deep Seal is applied to the masonry surface to be painted, it sets up a gel-like barrier which prevents the moisture from being drawn to the surface when painted, to stop the blistering and peeling.

Fortress Deep Seal enables paint to adhere better to the masonry because it etches as it penetrates, so it acts as its own bonding agent for the paint. To help solve the saponification problem, it neutralizes the alkali, which is one of the causes for paint chalking.

Make Your Dog Kennel Easier To Clean

Click here for info on maintaining clean dog kennels

Stop Efflorescence 

The white chalky-like looking substance that appears on concrete is efflorescence. It looks unsightly. The good news, it can be prevented by cleaning the concrete and applying Fortress Deep Seal.