Dog Kennel Applications
Functionality vs Aesthetics
At the end of the day, an owner wants kennels that are easy to clean and keep the odors to a minimum. You also want the kennel area to look nice. But you do have to decide what's more important: functionality or aesthetics.
Challenges With Surface Sealers and Coatings
Surface sealers and coatings can have several potential problems including:
Blistering: Blistering can be caused by a number of factors, including poor primer cure or the polyurea being too resin rich.
Adhesion issues: Improper application can lead to adhesion issues.
UV instability: Polyurea coatings can be unstable in the presence of UV rays.
Imperfections: Polyurea's fast curing time can lead to a weaker bond and more imperfections.
Safety for people: Polyurea coatings highly reactive chemicals that can irritate the eyes, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract. Working with polyurea without proper safety equipment can cause inflammation, nasal congestion, and other symptoms.
Safety for dogs: As the flooring starts to age, it will wear. Some coatings are prone to chipping, flaking and blistering which some dogs will eat potentially causing health issues.
Reduce Embarassing Odors
You may have grown used to them, but your guests WILL notice!
Perfect For All Kennels
New or Old Concrete
Indoors or Outdoors
Reduce Skin and Paw Irritations
by Stabilizing The Caustic Nature Of New Concrete.
Save Time & Money
by Speeding Up Your Cleaning Tasks.
Reduce the Dangers of Cross-Contamination in Boarding Situations
Increase Your Customers' Confidence in the Safety of Your Kennels
Protect Your Dogs' Health
Eliminate the Breeding Ground 'Inside' Concrete Where Harmful Mold, Mildew, and Bacteria Grow
Stop Dog Discomfort and Health Problems
from Lying on Damp, Moist Concrete.
Extend Life of Your Exterior Kennel Floors
by Stopping Freeze/Thaw Damage, Scaling and Pitting and Dusting
A Nontoxic, Permanent, Odorless Solution
Guaranteed 100% Environmentally, Animal and Human Safe.
Protect Your Dogs and Make Cleaning Your Kennels Quick & Easy
Did you know that the concrete floors of your dogs' kennels are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, mold and mildew? Concrete is a porous material and acts similarly to a sponge. When liquids are spilled on it, they will soak deep into the concrete. These damp pores in the concrete provide the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, mold and mildew. Now You can Solve this dangerous problem--once and forever!
How to Prevent Dangerous Bacteria From Growing In Your Kennel
The Kennel Solution eliminates the breeding ground for bacteria in your kennel floor by preventing moisture from getting into your concrete. It will make your kennel safer for your dogs, easier to clean and reduce urine odors by preventing the urine from penetrating into the concrete.
Your Dogs Don't Like Lying on Cold, Damp Concrete Anymore Than You Do
Maybe you've never tried it. I mean lying on concrete. But your dogs spend hours doing just that. Even concrete that doesn't look wet is generally damp.
Concrete actually wicks moisture from as deep as 20 feet below the surface. What this means is that there is almost always moisture in concrete. If it rains, or after you clean your kennels, the moisture is in the concrete long after the surface dries.
Lying on continual dampness and cold can aggravate or contribute to aches and pains. When concrete is damp--even though it looks dry on the surface-- it doesn't warm up under your dog. Your dogs will be much more comfortable and avoid the dangers from damp concrete if their body heat warms up the area they are lying on. Since most dogs can't talk, we felt it was important to tell you this on their behalf.
Applying Fortress Deep Seal and Shield Top Seal stops concrete from soaking up moisture from the ground and prevents it from holding moisture internally. By fixing your concrete so no moisture gets into it, from above the surface or below the surface, your dogs will be much more comfortable.
Kennel Owners Regularly Contact Us Because of Bad Problems with Peeling Paint and Coatings
The usual way people address the problem of keeping kennels clean is through applying either toxic water proofers or paint. Paint ends up peeling. Then you are faced with having to strip the floors and start over again. This is real disruptive to your operation, not to mention costly, messy and time consuming. So save yourself a lot of trouble and expense, and do it the easy way.
The Kennel Kit is without question the most cost effective, easiest to do, longest lasting method to keep your floors and runs in top condition. You will never run into the costly maintenance problems resulting from using surface coatings or paint that go hand in hand with the common way of protecting kennel floors.
Never Slip Due to a Slick, Wet, Surface Coated Floor Again
Never Scrape off a Peeling Finish Again -- Guaranteed
That's right.
All surface coatings, whether paint, acrylic sealers or epoxies make floors extremely slippery and dangerous, especially when they are wet.
They also will all eventually peel, leaving a tremendous mess and a lot of expense to correct.
Your Kennel Kit Solution is guaranteed to do away with those nasty and expensive problems. It is the perfect combination of ease of cleaning with lower slipperiness than typical floor coatings.
First, Shield Top Seal is guaranteed not to peel. Actually, it can't peel. Top Seal is a penetrating material, so there just is not anything there to peel.
Second, Shield Top Seal is proven to reduce the slipperiness of floors, even when they are wet.
Kennels owners have proven it in their experience. Floors treated with the Kennel Kit are less slippery than any other floor they have ever tried.
This proven industrial grade material ensures you do not have to rely on the risky approach of just picking a mass marketed product off the shelf and hoping it will work.
How Do These Products Work?
First, the concrete is INTERNALLY strengthened and waterproofed by applying Fortress Deep Seal. Spalling, scaling and deterioration are prevented. The concrete will not deteriorate due to the freeze / thaw cycle. And this internal treatment is permanent. It never has to be redone. Strong chemicals will not affect Fortress Deep Seal.
Fortress Deep Seal solidifies the concrete, increasing compressive strength by 25% after 30 days. "Internal" means that the top 1/16th inch does not have the material in it. That thin area is filled with the penetrating Shield Top Seal
In the event you want to paint a floor or put a "surface build" material on the floor, then you would apply it right over the Fortress Deep Seal. Fortress Deep Seal will increase the sticking performance of any coating by at least 300%. This highly important result is because Fortress Deep Seal stops the reaction of moisture and alkali in the floor. This process is a major cause of peeling coatings.
My suggestion for easiest maintenance is to apply Shield Top Seal after applying Fortress Deep Seal. This is the very best solution based on years of testing and in-field experience in the concrete protection business. It is also what our kennel owners say after using the Kennel Kit.
However, if you want a painted look, then you would not use Shield Top Seal. You would first apply Fortress Deep Seal, allow it to dry, and then apply the paint.
Why Use Fortress Deep Seal If You're Going to Paint the Surface?
For more information on how why this is a necessary material to use before painting a floor, click here to open a new page.
Second, Shield Top Seal is applied. It will soak completely in and lasts for many years. As it is a penetrating material, it will never peel or need to be removed before maintenance can be done.
Plan on 4-5 years before more Shield Top Seal would need to be applied. Even under extreme industrial use and daily cleaning with harsh chemicals, Shield Top Seal passes the test of time. If additional material is ever required, there is no preparation other than usual cleaning.
No need to remove old material or peeling product. Simply add more Shield Top Seal when the time comes. But it will be years and years until it will need to be considered.
Neither Fortress Deep Seal nor Shield Top Seal change the appearance of the concrete. And floors do not end up being slick like they do with paint or surface coatings.